[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1457624377153{margin-top: 10px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Privacy Policy
Your privacy is extremely important to Westech Inspection Inc. The importance of protecting all personal data collected about you, while you visit our web site cannot be overstated. Some examples of personal data are your full name, address, your e-mail address, employment status, as well as any information that you may divulge about the products and services that you prefer to use.
We utilize a Privacy Policy to guide us in how we collect, store and use your personal data. Our objective is to manage your data with all possible regard for your privacy. Further, we will treat your personal data, with the utmost respect, as if it were our confidential business data.
The details below outline specific points of our privacy policy :
We will notify you of any information that may be construed as personal that is being or is about to be collected about you, or your web browsing profile.
Data Storage
We will take all measures that are deemed to be appropriate by us to ensure that all personal data that we collect from you during your visits to and transactions with Westech Inspection Inc. is safeguarded against improper use. Westech Inspection Inc. does not store any credit card data on our servers.
Sharing Data
We will share none of your personal data with any other company without first receiving your permission. Within our “TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE” we will disclose all instances where we may share your data with another organization.
What data do we collect?
We do monitor your visit to our web site, this information is used internally to perform traffic analysis. We collect specific information from you during online transactions. You must approve the submission of this data prior to our receiving it.
Cookies are used on our website. We currently utilize 3 types of cookies. Stored cookies, session based cookies and third party cookies. As the names imply, stored cookies remain on your computer even after you leave the web site. They are used to help identify you when you return to the site, by identifying you a web site can be programmed to personalize your experience, i.e. remembering your user id and password for a web site. A per session cookie can be used to identify the beginning and end of a session at a particular web site. We use stored cookies to measure traffic on our web site, but you will be able to use our site even if these cookies are not accepted. Finally third party cookies are set by organizations other than Westech Inspection Inc. These cookies use the same functionality as those set by our web site. They are used by advertisers on our site to track the effectiveness of their online advertising campaigns.
Questions or Concerns
If you have any questions or are concerned about any aspect of our Privacy Policy, please call our office.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]